Monday, June 28, 2010

Life; pain, agony and success

Well....everybody undergoes through stresses, difficulties, pain. Some fight it off while others lose it by just complaining about it. These tensions in life are so many that we tend to get afraid, fear grips and overtakes us. As to those who have the will and courage to face it, triumph. Most of the times this is not the case as an individual is able to battle through some distresses but unable to conquer all; that’s fair enough as we are humans and not super powered. It is always alright to go forward in steps; take things slowly and never lose heart even though one is unable to settle his pain. One must learn to curb failures, live with it and fight it off. Success is a wonderful feeling but what is the point if we don’t meet failure. Success throughout, is a dream of every individual who wants to remain happy all his life but what if he never meets failure? Imagine his state of mind if he were to encounter it in some point of his life? That would cause him pain and agony. But it is always to be remembered that one who has success throughout, has definitely undergone through ups and downs in life. It is only the way he perceives it, which makes a whole lot of difference. He understands that there is an impediment to his progress but he is not downsized by it. He tries to figure out how to overcome such an obstacle to pave his way through. He does not react to it but acts towards it. Although, it is a natural tendency for one to react, a successful person reacts for a transient moment while transforming his entire reactions into positive actions; implements it and achieves what he wants, not success though but overcoming failure which in turn gives him success. Successful persons don’t thrive for success; it comes to them as they overcome obstacles in their life. Life is all about accepting success and failures; to fight off failures. Life is a gift that everyone gets; it’s all about how we open our everyday package!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

My first day of college; Bus ride

My first day to college back in India; makes me laugh and cry thinking on what and how i got through 4 years of my memorable college life. There I was; all formally dressed, hair neatly combed and clean shaven waiting for the bus to pick me up and oh yeah, i was half an hour before it arrived. My dad was with me to accompany my first day as my mom was getting my sister dressed up to school. It was a very nervous moment in my life as I knew i’d be looking up at many new faces and will have to remain with them for my 4 years of college. All new professors whom i will have to get along; this is a transformation which happens in every child who has to live on and see ahead what life looks like after completion of school where everyone always remained immature and playful. But college is not to be like that, it is a very serious and important phase of every individual out there raring to face the challenges of the world. Not that individual who don’t have college degree are incapable of facing life; it’s just that college life brings so much of memories, joy, pleasure, happiness, disappointments and what not in our lives. College is the prelude to our doors of life that we determine; if it would open up freely or make that hell lot of screeching noise. College life also teaches us how to oil that door and make our life go frictionless with obvious hiccups and here and there; that’s life.

Now coming back, there it was; my college bus had just arrived and i went up the front entrance, looked all over inside to see all unknown faces, students their parents and some even brought along their entire family. Thank god!!! I got a place to sit and so does my dad; apparently that was the first thought in my head. As i sat; i was wondering what was going on? And for the fact there was no one at my stop, me being the only kid. It was awkwardly strange and seeing the people behind me talking; getting them introduced to each other, socialising or whatever you want to call it was going on. it was all about “hi, my name is..... What’s yours? Oh! Even my friend studied there. Do you know? Which course have you taken? Do you know what....blah blah ”. There was this guy next to me, his name; prabhu. Of course at that moment i didn’t know him. So.... it took me a while like few more stops and then ask him “hi my name is...what’s yours? Which course have you taken? Cool; me too!!! ”. I know, that’s what everybody does; in relation to my earlier critical comment. Well, after that start of conversation it just went on and on.... like any other jolly good conversation. And that was probably a whole new experience for me, that wonderful first day of college and my first college bus ride. Even today when i think of it, i get such a pleasant warm memory of what happened on that first day.